A downloadable game

This story has already happened, and it will happen again. But no matter how many times it happens, the important thing is that Vastrotha doesn't get away with it. Who is Vastrotha? Vastrotha is a millenarian being who wants to put an end to all the fun in this world. Imagine what the Romans would do without their circus shows, what the medieval knights would do without jousting, imagine the world without paintings, sculptures, cinema, sports and even video games, without pop culture, manga, anime, without all that, the world would be flat, susceptible. This is the aim of Vastrotha.

But don't worry, where evil never rests, there is always a spark of hope, and Osmetrida takes care of it. Osmetrida is our saviour, in charge of watching over everything that entertains and amuses us, an inspiration for many artists. He has been fighting against Vastrotha for century after century, but in his last crusade, Vastrotha managed to imprison his soul in a sword. But this did not stop him, for his strength and powers are still intact. In a last hopeful halo, he managed to lock Vastrotha in a little wooden box, where, if not opened, he would remain there for the rest of his life.

This brings us to the present day, and here we find Steve, a young man of 18 with no other concern than getting through the last level of his favourite video game. His room is his best source of entertainment. There he has his countless comics and manga that he reads over and over again, his consoles with his video games and his immense collection of films. The poor guy has just lost his cat Dustball. And he is about to bury him, when digging a hole in his garden reveals an old-looking box with a strange symbol on the lock. Steve unceremoniously opens it and out comes a terrifying entity, which quickly jumps into Steve's room. He follows it, but when he arrives, the room is empty. That night he is about to finish reading the last issue of one of his comics when he realises that the last few pages are missing. But that's not the only thing missing. Illustrations are also missing from his manga, even the main characters of his video games and films have vanished. If everything seemed strange enough, he hears some knocking on the window of his room and when he opens it, a talking sword, Osmetrida, appears.


Osmetrida and the Other Guy.zip 25 MB

Install instructions

Double click on the game executable. The menu will appear. Select "Play". After the credits screen, the system will system will take you to the main menu.

To learn how to play:

  1. Press instructions.
  2. Watch how Steve's move works and how to play the game. how to play.

To take on the role of Steve in this adventure:

  1. Click New Game.
  2. If you have started a game before, and wish to continue it, press Continue. If you have started a game before, and wish to continue it, click Continue.

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